
I am so excited to report that God moved in amazing ways while we were ministering in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. We could see the hand of God every step of the way. As we went out to minister and share, I knew everyone back home was praying and lifting us up.

We saw first hand why Equatorial Guinea is considered the poorest and most needy country in Africa. The conditions on the streets and neighborhoods were very sad. Poor and crowded living conditions and poverty was everywhere.

God’s light always shines in the darkness. The churches were full of light! They were bold, enthusiastic, and visionary yet did not let their poverty or lack hold them back from receiving a blessing from their Lord. The joy of the Lord was their strength.

We had hoped for at least 150 leaders to participate and ended up having over 300. It was a great blessing to see the YWAM chapel filled with Christian leaders from all over the area. They sang, laughed, asked questions, participated in our spiritual exercises, and provided tremendous spiritual insights for us, as well. It was truly a blessing to be sharing this time with them. They seemed to soak up our fellowship, teachings, and genuinely shared their love with us.

The area is so void of even daily provisions that our hosts had to purchase food from another country to make meals for the lunches we provided. But, each day we were able to offer each student a buffet of a meal fit for a king. It was so precious to see their plates piled high and smiles on their faces.

Our last session on Prayer In Evangelism was a game changer! Outreach and Biblical techniques alone will not change lives or guarantee spiritual success. The greatest moves and revivals in the past were built upon and maintained by prayer. But, we not only talked about prayer…we prayed! Four specific prayers; a prayer for the lost, a prayer against sin and satan’s strongholds, a prayer for those doing good in the area, and a prayer of intercession for those of us in that room (each other) as we committed to reaching out and sharing Jesus in power and love!

The room spiritually exploded with the presence of the Lord! There was praise, worship, singing, shouting, proclamations, affirmations from God’s word, and victory. It was so holy and pure. I do not believe I have ever seen a group of Christian leaders so fully embrace and receive instruction and training with such fervent determination like the men and women of Bata.

We had gone to Bata to train Christian leaders how to be more evangelistic and to embrace the gift and calling of the evangelist into their local churches and ministries, but also to plan for future outreach efforts. I am excited to share that on the last day of our mission – the local pastors and our team agreed to move forward – together to plan, pray, and proceed to do outreach all over their nation. Amen!

Thank you for your partnership in this work. We are so excited the Lord has given us this call – to “do the work” of the evangelist!

In His Service,  Keith 

P.S. Would you consider helping us monthly? Your ongoing participation with us in the mission makes all the difference in the world! Thank you in advance for praying, caring, and sharing.