You are not going to believe what happened!


I am so excited to report that God moved in amazing ways while we were ministering in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. We could see the hand of God every step of the way. As we went out to minister and share, I knew everyone back home was praying and lifting us up.

We saw first hand why Equatorial Guinea is considered the poorest and most needy country in Africa. The conditions on the streets and neighborhoods were very sad. Poor and crowded living conditions and poverty was everywhere.

God’s light always shines in the darkness. The churches were full of light! They were bold, enthusiastic, and visionary yet did not let their poverty or lack hold them back from receiving a blessing from their Lord. The joy of the Lord was their strength.

We had hoped for at least 150 leaders to participate and ended up having over 300. It was a great blessing to see the YWAM chapel filled with Christian leaders from all over the area. They sang, laughed, asked questions, participated in our spiritual exercises, and provided tremendous spiritual insights for us, as well. It was truly a blessing to be sharing this time with them. They seemed to soak up our fellowship, teachings, and genuinely shared their love with us.

The area is so void of even daily provisions that our hosts had to purchase food from another country to make meals for the lunches we provided. But, each day we were able to offer each student a buffet of a meal fit for a king. It was so precious to see their plates piled high and smiles on their faces.

Our last session on Prayer In Evangelism was a game changer! Outreach and Biblical techniques alone will not change lives or guarantee spiritual success. The greatest moves and revivals in the past were built upon and maintained by prayer. But, we not only talked about prayer…we prayed! Four specific prayers; a prayer for the lost, a prayer against sin and satan’s strongholds, a prayer for those doing good in the area, and a prayer of intercession for those of us in that room (each other) as we committed to reaching out and sharing Jesus in power and love!

The room spiritually exploded with the presence of the Lord! There was praise, worship, singing, shouting, proclamations, affirmations from God’s word, and victory. It was so holy and pure. I do not believe I have ever seen a group of Christian leaders so fully embrace and receive instruction and training with such fervent determination like the men and women of Bata.

We had gone to Bata to train Christian leaders how to be more evangelistic and to embrace the gift and calling of the evangelist into their local churches and ministries, but also to plan for future outreach efforts. I am excited to share that on the last day of our mission – the local pastors and our team agreed to move forward – together to plan, pray, and proceed to do outreach all over their nation. Amen!

Thank you for your partnership in this work. We are so excited the Lord has given us this call – to “do the work” of the evangelist!

In His Service,  Keith 

P.S. Would you consider helping us monthly? Your ongoing participation with us in the mission makes all the difference in the world! Thank you in advance for praying, caring, and sharing. 

Ministry Update: Equatorial Guinea

Ministry Update: Equatorial Guinea

We need your prayers!

Keith Cook and Zach Blickens are currently in Bata, Equatorial Guinea, a small country on the west coast of Central Africa.

They are conducting training for pastors, local leaders, and evangelists from April 16th to the 23rd.

Please pray for them as they share their knowledge and experience to equip others for the work of the Gospel.

Impactful Missions in Equatorial Guinea, Mongolia, and Beyond

Impactful Missions in Equatorial Guinea, Mongolia, and Beyond

We are so excited to be On The Go for Jesus in 2024!

The Lord has given us numerous opportunities to “do the work” of the evangelist worldwide this year:

Pray for our ongoing Missions.

  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Mongolia
  • Korea Lausanne World Congress
  • Affinity Evangelism – E. Europe
  • Prison Outreach – Tennessee
  • Areawide Outreach – Nevada
  • Preparation for 2025 Australia Collaborative Mission

Pray for us as we Mentor & Teach.

  • Monthly Younger Evangelist Training (Zoom)
  • Monthly Prayer & Share Zoom Meetings (for Evangelistic Leaders)
  • Women On The Go Events
  • Blessing Events

Pray for us as we GO – “Across the nation and around the world.”

Pray for our safety and Spiritual power!

Pray for Divine Appointments – Our heart’s desire is to see many come to faith and have their lives changed by Jesus.


If the Lord should so direct, we would appreciate your continued help this year. Your participation with us in the mission makes all the difference in the world!

Thank you in advance for praying, caring, and sharing with us at On The Go.

May God bless you and your family this year with joy overflowing, and may this be the best year of your life. We are praying for you.

In His Service,

Keith Cook

The Enduring Legacy of Jim Wilkerson: How He Shaped On The Go and Touched Lives Worldwide

The Enduring Legacy of Jim Wilkerson: How He Shaped On The Go and Touched Lives Worldwide

The Enduring Legacy of Jim Wilkerson

Our wonderful friend, Jim Wilkerson, passed away on Saturday, Jan 6, 2024.

Jim Wilkerson has been integral to the On The Go family since the early 1980s, leaving an indelible mark through his unwavering commitment.

During his volunteer work with On The Go, Jim Wilkerson served as the Vice President of Odom Sausage and held the esteemed mayor position in Adairville, Kentucky. Jim’s commitment extended beyond his direct involvement with On The Go; he has also been an OTG board member since its inception. 

With a heart devoted to evangelism, Jim embarked on numerous missionary trips, impacting thousands of lives worldwide. His kindness, love, and tireless work ethic defined his character, making him an influential figure within the organization.

His impact within the organization was profound, with numerous missionary trips undertaken and his unwavering dedication to supporting thousands of missionaries globally.

Jim, alongside his wife Annette, played a pivotal role in furthering On The Go’s mission, leaving an enduring legacy of compassion and leadership.

He will be greatly missed, but we find solace in knowing he is rejoicing in heaven.

Evangelists Unite for Major Outreach Initiative in Asia

Evangelists Unite for Major Outreach Initiative in Asia

Over the past five years, we’ve fervently prayed and diligently planned for a united initiative aimed at equipping evangelists and conducting innovative outreach programs throughout Asia. 
Our dreams are set to become reality next week as we collaborate with fellow evangelists and join forces with the esteemed local Christian Leaders to make a profound impact for Christ in this region. 

We kindly request your prayers for these outreaches and events, which are scheduled to take place from November 1st to November 14th.

Team Members: 
    • Keith Cook
    • David Brandon
    • Rick Willison
    • Daniel King
    • Alan Greene
    • Zach Blickens
    • Sarah Blickens
    • Kailah Blickens
    • Ben Jack
    • Jock Moore

Captured Moments in Machakos, Kenya

While in Machakos, we’ve engaged with local pastors and community heads, trained volunteers, offered evangelism workshops, and preached the Gospel’s transformative power.

Our diverse group boasts talented musicians, dedicated BMS bikers, strong men, enthusiastic youth workers, and committed evangelists.

We’re all united in our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Below, find a selection of photos capturing moments from our outreach.